J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. Invests in Madison College – Madison College Foundation
J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. Invests in Madison College2017-10-30T16:01:16-06:00

findorff-560x315Madison-based construction company J.H. Findorff & Son and Madison College both have deep roots in our community. The partnership between the college and the company is also long standing and has had an important impact on our community for many years.

The college’s construction apprenticeship programs have benefited from the support of the company and, in turn, the college has supplied the firm with well-trained, job-ready employees.

Findorff has furthered its commitment by providing scholarships to support students interested in joining construction or related fields. These scholarships have a direct impact on individual students, of course, but they are also key to the future vitality of the field.

“A significant challenge in our industry is that the average age of construction workers in Wisconsin is around 44 years old and these workers generally retire earlier,” says Rich Lynch, president of Findorff. “We have a responsibility to educate more young people to appreciate the need – and opportunities – in our industry and provide the path through which they can be energized and succeed.”

Explains Lynch, “If providing the financial assistance opens doors and helps others find their way to make this happen, we look at our participation as a win-win opportunity!”