I firmly believe that-no matter the field in question- there is no shortage of talent, only opportunity. When I donate to the Scholars of Promise program, I think of it as planting seeds. Given our current socioeconomic trends, there are young minds all throughout our community with potential that would otherwise lie dormant. These are future employees, entrepreneurs, teachers, police officers; lost to us forever because we never activated them. With the Scholars of Promise Program any young mind with the initiative to learn is given the opportunity to do just that; no longer standing on the outside looking in, daunted by insurmountable tuition costs or lifelong student debt.
It is a special joy of mine that many of the students in the program mark the first generation in their families to go to college. As these students graduate, their success will no doubt be an example to their brothers, sisters and children. Each generation reinforcing that age old truth about upward social mobility-education is its accelerant.
Perhaps someday we will look back and see that we had a hand in creating the next generation of American innovators. Family trees with branches that are as wide and influential as leading philanthropists. What a heartwarming thought. But first, we have to plant the seeds.
I encourage all who read this to join me in becoming a donor.
-Yone Amuka, M.D.