Nursing Horizons Scholarship and Support Fund – Madison College Foundation
Nursing Horizons Scholarship and Support Fund2024-04-16T19:34:00-06:00

Nursing Horizons Scholarship and Support Fund

The Nursing Horizons Scholarship and Support Fund was established by Karyn German, a Madison College nursing instructor, who helped lead nursing students and faculty exchanges for many years and at times paying for things herself for students or the exchange opportunity. This Fund is a legacy toward continued support for the transformative power of global learning and travel. The Nursing Horizons Scholarship and Support Fund is dedicated to empowering and supporting aspiring nursing students in enriching educational experiences abroad and general support for the experiences. Designed to foster a global cultural perspective within the nursing community, this blended scholarship and support Fund assists those seeking to broaden their horizons and to make a meaningful impact in the nursing communities, here and abroad. The Fund may be used to provide scholarship and related financial assistance within the nursing community at MadisonCollege, including but not limited to study abroad programs such as workshops or related training, bringing speakers to campus, and for general purposes of investing in the education of students with faculty for an abroad, cultural experience.

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